I want U 2 miss me wen U think of me, kiss me wen I'm there. Hold me like I'm you're everything, twiddle your fingers in my hair. Have a lovely dae n keep smilin
Respect the old when U are YOUNG, Help the weak when U are STRONG, Forgive the fault when U are RIGHT, one day in life U may be OLD, WEAK, & WRONG… taKe cAre
Boy : I love your Smile Girl : I love my smile too but why do you love it? Boy : I love it because I love seeing you happy ... why do you love it ? Girl : Because you are the reason for it... Keep smiling & take care
I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you... Keep smiling and take care