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12 years ago
Good evening my Frnds
12 years ago


اكــــبر جريــــمة ترتكــــــبها بحـــــق قلـــــبك ♥ .....

هو أن تحلم بشيء أنت تعلم بأنه لن يكون لك..! 

ومع هذآ تقترب منه ،، وتقود نفسك إلى . . { حلم مستحيل }..! ♥...

وتستمر في طريقك.. { بإصرآر }..

وأنت تعلم أنه لن يوصلك ..

{ .. إلآ لجدآر

تستند عليه لتبكي على حلمك آلضآئع ..!!!


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12 years ago
good morning
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Life is what you make it
12 years ago
My wishes are silent but true,
Everywhere they will follow you…
Luck is yours,Wishes are mine…
I wish your present & future always shine…
Good Evening

12 years ago

good morning

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take care
12 years ago

Nd goodmorning
12 years ago
Hey pagal

where are U?

Am missing you so come back fast

12 years ago
good morning
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happy sunday
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12 years ago


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hApIe wYkeNd

tK CrE

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12 years ago

It's a brand new day A new day filled with opportunity and hope. Today, you can take a small or big step toward your goal. Today, you can share a word of encouragement to someone who is in need. Today, you can make a difference. You have been given another 24 hours for a reason, don't squander it by focusing on negativity. Take sometime today to invest in yourself. Do one thing today that will bring you closer to your dreams. You have so much potential, you have greatness within you, don't let anyone tell you that you don't matter, that you can't do it, because the creator said you can do all things through him! It's a new day, let's get started!

good morning

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take care
12 years ago
good morning

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keep smiling

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12 years ago
sweet morning my bf

Yah hi m f9..n how r u???

Have a peace n blessfull friday..

I miss u tooooooo more. .

Carry on
12 years ago

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12 years ago

good morning

12 years ago

yep .! ..

tK cRe ..
12 years ago

oh.! datz bad ..
tke sum medicine nada ..
nd get veL soon ..
12 years ago

a liL gud .? wHy , wat happend nada ..
nd ma dae goIn' gud nd urz .? ..
12 years ago

gud mornIng nada ..
I'm fyn na hw re yu .? ..
12 years ago

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hVe A GrRt dAy

tK cRe

12 years ago
good morning

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I'm not like anyone else. I don't need to follow anyone's lead. I'm all I will ever really need to be. I'm just simply me. I'm just Simply Unique!

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smile always

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