A GREAT RELATIONSHIP IS BASED ON SOME MAIN PRINCIPLES: # ApPrEcIaTe yOuR SiMiLaRiTiEs, AnD # REsPeCt yOuR DiFfErEnCeS ♥♥ # WheNeVeR YoU ArE WrOnG, aLwAyS AdMiT It ,, # WheNeVeR YoU ArE RiGhT, jUsT KeEp qUiEt...♥♥ ReLatIoNsHiP BeTwEeN A BoY AnD GiRl iS LiKe... ReLatIoNsHiP BeTwEeN ThE HaNd aNd tHe eYeS. If tHe hAnD GeTs hUrT, tHe eYeS CrIeS, AnD iF ThE EyEs cRiEs tHe hAnD WiPeS ItS TeArS. SwEEt NighT WitH SweetLy DrEaMs...♥♥ ♥♥
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