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10 years ago
10 years ago
sedang apa dek?
10 years ago

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Good Night Graphic #25

10 years ago
wHeRe yOu FrOm SwEeTy,????
10 years ago
tHaNk yOu VeRy mUcH
10 years ago
tHaN yOu VeRy mUcH
10 years ago
10 years ago
hi frnd
10 years ago
Kmu ikutan os chatku ya, di How blues are you. Aq tnggu
10 years ago
Numpang mampir, okey
10 years ago

have a nice day
10 years ago
10 years ago

Kyle Wagner Yesterday 3:30pm 59,339 199
Pacific Rim Review: Holy Sh-t That Was Great

One of the most important things any great action movie needs is a lead actor who can deliver an absurd line and have it sound awesome. One who makes you cheer instead of laugh when he says something that is by all rights laughable. Pacific Rim doesn't have one of those. But it still manages to be the best summer action movie since Independence Day.

It's awesome because it delivers what it promised us: giant robots fighting giant monsters with a giant, giant amount of fun and imagination. We trusted Guillermo del Toro with this thing, and the dozen or so moments of You thought that was cool? No, THIS is cool! moments mixed into the smartly choreographed action and dumb-in-the-good-ways plot pays off that trust.

Pacific Rim drops us in the last days of the Kaiju war, a battle between man and giant monster that's been escalating for the previous decade. The bulk of the early portion is spent in a base housing the last remaining Jaegers (giant robots for fighting said giant monsters) and their crews. We follow around a Jaeger pilot wash-out named Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam), his boss Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), a few other pilots presumably with other Action Movie Refrigerator Magnet names, and a research team of two (Charlie Day and Burn Gorman). There are only a few Jaegers left, and Becket's the only one who knows how to pilot one of the older models. Collectively, it's their job to finish off the Kaiju in one last push before the balance tilts and the world ends.

From here, you will notice the story's jumps in logic. There are so very, very many of them. They don't matter. In fact, they're honest to god plot features, not holes. They're like the travel scenes in an Indiana Jones movie, where we don't need to know how you get from Point A to Point B, just show us on the map.

Forty seconds into the Pacific Rim, we're told the Kaiju come from another dimension, through a portal at the bottom of the Pacif
11 years ago
cinta itu buta, kata orang sih
tapi, menurut gwa cinta selalu melihat,
melihat saat kita tak terlihat, melihat saat kita menutup mata, dan saat kita berusaha melihat kembali cinta itu akan tetap melihat kita, untuk memastikan bahwa orang yang dicintainya baik-baik saja

11 years ago
"DUNIA" is a classroom
"QUR'AN" is a syllabus
"MUHAMMAD" is a teacher
"LIFE" is a examination
"ALLAH" is a examinar
So, try to pass the examination I pray to ALLAH for you success may ALLAH bless you
11 years ago
11 years ago
jam 15:17 waktunya tiduuuur
11 years ago
gw pengen pulaaaang!!!!!!
11 years ago
gw sebbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeell,
11 years ago
paling males kalo disuruh nglakuin sesuatu yang kita ngga pengen lakuin, apalagi kalo kita nglakuin itu buat orang yang kita benci
rasanya tuh nyesssek banget
mereka tau ngga siiih, kalo gw tuh capek banget..
yeeah. mungkin mereka tau, tapi mereka ngga mau tau..
yah, gitu deh hidup gw terabaikan, diabaikan, selalu terabaikan...
gw tuh pengen banget di perhatii..n, tau ngga sih kalo gw tu kesepian banget?, tau ngga sih kalo gw tu butuh teman?, tau ngga sih kalo gw tu butuh sharing sama manusia?, gw udah capek nyimpen semuanya sendiri,
gw butuh tempat buat ngebuang semua sampah* di hidup gw...
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